In the Heart of the Sea
At the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex was assaulted by some thing no one a whale of dimensions and will, and an almost individual sense of vengeance. Herman Melville's Moby Dick would be inspired by the maritime crisis that is real-life. But only half the story was told by that. "Heart of the ocean" shows the encounter's harrowing aftermath, since the ship's surviving team has been pushed to their limits and forced to do the unthinkable to stay alive. Braving storms, starvation, despair and dread, the men will call in to question their own deepest beliefs, by the value of their lives to the morality in these transaction, as their captain hunts for direction on the rocky ocean along with his first mate still attempts to bring the wonderful whale down.
Released: 2015-11-20
Duration: 122